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Participant's Name*
Phone Number*
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Zip Code*
Email Address*
Date of Birth*
Who to contact in an emergency*
Relationship to you
Emergency contact phone number*
Do you have Diabetes?* NoYes
How well is it under control?
Do you have a history of Seizures?* NoYes
Do you have Heart Disease?* NoYes
Do you have a history of or currently have ashtma?* NoYes
If you use an inhaler, do you have it with you? NoYes
Do you have a history of anaphylaxis or allergies?* NoYes
If so, do you have an EpiPen or other medications with you? YesNo
Do you have relevant musculoskeletal injuries or related surgeries?* NoYes
If so please explain...
Do you have problems with vision or hearing?* NoYes
To the best of your knowledge, do you have any other medical or health issues that would prevent you from fully participating in activities regarding this charitable climb?* NoYes
Do you have international medical insurance?* NoYes
If so, who is your carrier?
Are you under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol?* NoYes
Do you have any previous climbing experience?* NoYes
If so, please explain...
If there is a photo you would like us to use for your campaign page, please upload it now.
Type your name.*
By checking this box I am agreeing that all information on this form is accurate.